
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Thought Forms

Have you ever sensed a "presence"?  Perhaps a strong feeling that you should do something, or avoid doing something, yet a feeling that doesn't seem to have originated within you?  Or maybe a feeling that someone or something is there, perhaps watching you, and yet you can see, hear and feel nothing?  These are examples of what I would call a "presence".

Have you ever seen a ghost, or something that seemed to you to be a ghost?  The difference from the above definition of a "presence" is that this time you can see or hear it, or both.

Such feelings are commoner than you may believe.  If you have not had any such feelings yourself, then ask around and see how many of your friends have.  The results may surprise you.

What causes them?  Personally I do not believe such presences or sightings have anything to do with a real person who has died but not yet "passed on".  I believe they are "thought forms".

When you focus strongly on an idea you concentrate mental energy.  That energy cannot simply disappear.  It remains.

This has profound implications.

Firstly, think about "affirmations".  When you repeat affirmations they actually create a real energy that is distinct from its creator (you).  Think of it like a genie.  You have rubbed your lamp by concentrating on the affirmation and now the genie is there to grant your wish.  The power of this genie will depend on the skill you have used to create and use your affirmation.  If you have done so with total belief, your genie, or thought form, will be very powerful.  While you carry on with your normal life it will move around you, bringing into your life circumstances and contacts that could lead to manifesting your desire if you respond correctly to them.

If, though, you start to have doubts, you will be creating other thought forms that will conflict with the original affirmation thought form.  Depending on their strength and the strength of the original thought form they may not make it impossible for you to achieve your wishes, but they will certainly make it more difficult.  And the more of them you create, the more difficult it will be.

All your thoughts produce thought forms, although in most cases they are so weak that they can have very little effect.  But they do have some effect, even if it is only slight.

This means you can truly make the world a better place simply through your thought processes.  Think good thoughts, thoughts based on love, peace and harmony, and the thought forms from these thoughts will impact on the world around you.  They will induce similar feelings in both yourself and others, which in turn may result in both you and them performing good deeds.

The opposite is also true, of course.  If you are filled with evil thoughts, this will spread evil through the universe.

Don't become too fixated on this though.  If you have had bad thoughts, accept that this is the human condition and it is virtually impossible to avoid.  Hopefully the thought forms you have created will not be very powerful; this will be the case if you did not focus all your energy and power to turn those evil thoughts into independent evil thought forms.  When you realize your thinking has not been good and positive, simply counter the weak thought forms you have created by focusing on and creating good ones.

The concept of thought forms is well known in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism.  Here, a thought form is known as a "nirmita" or "tulpa".  In both the Indian and Tibetan tradition, a thought form is illusory.  But don't let that term deceive you - according to this philosophy everything we sense around us is "maya", or illusion.  A tulpa can therefore be regarded as just as real as the chair you are sitting on or the computer or i-phone you are using to read this article.

If you are interested in pursuing the theory of thought forms further, try studying the book by Annie Besant and C W Leadbeater, simply called "Thought Forms".  This book was first produced in 1901.  As it is now out of copyright you can download a free copy from Project Gutenberg here:

Or if you would like a step by step system to create and use thought forms properly, try "Magical Use of Thought Forms", by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki:

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Грэм! Ваш труд, посвященный мыслеформам. заставляет о многом задуматься, мне кажется таким образом мы создаем ад или рай в тонком мире. Ошо считал, что мысли, как облако приходят в нашу голову и уходят. Русская пословица гласит:"Откуда пришло, туда и ушло."
    Будучи очень ранимым и чувствительным ребенком я с детства представляла все лучше, чем была действительность. Не желала зла другим, даже если они мне вредили, рассуждая, их я исправить не могу, значит надо мне менять свое поведение. Потом ясновидящая мне сказала: "Твое счастье, что никому не желаешь зла, тебе не придется отвечать за это."
    Сейчас стараюсь не фантазировать о будущем, а жить настоящим, наслаждаясь жизнью.
    Спасибо за подаренные счастливые мгновения, которые мне принесли Ваши размышления.

  3. useful wonderful article , thank you

  4. Thank you for your comments Galina. It is good you live in this way, having only good thoughts and bringing no harm to others. :)
