
Wednesday 23 March 2016

The beginning of the universe

Recently I watched a documentary about the latest scientific studies of the beginning of the universe.  So many things the scientists said struck a chord that I read the relevant section of my Bible again.  Take a look at the two different versions:

Big Bang

The Big Bang theory is not universally accepted by scientists, but still has a large and respectable following.  Here, more or less, is what the proponents of Big Bang say happened:
  1. In the beginning of space and time was the Big Bang.  The Big Bang resulted in a hydrogen fog.
  2. Now the hydrogen fog was a formless, empty cloud.  Darkness covered the universe.
  3. After millions of years, atoms of hydrogen coalesced and began fusion reactions forming the first stars.  And the stars gave out light.
  4. There were bubbles of light in the primordial universe, separated from each other by the darkness of the hydrogen fog.
  5. When the bubbles of light burst through the hydrogen fog, this was Cosmic Dawn, which came after the dark ages of the universe.


Now here is Genesis 1: 1-5 (New International Version):
  1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
  2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
  3. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
  4. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
  5. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Comparing Big Bang and Genesis

These two versions are so close!  The only major difference between the two is the word "God", and there is absolutely nothing in Big Bang theory that says it could not have been planned and co-ordinated by God.  The purpose of science is not to prove or disprove the existence and role of God, but merely to discover the rules of the universe which those of us who believe in God believe He created.

When I realised just how close these two versions of the creation of the universe are, it sent a shiver down my spine.  It is almost as though the author of Genesis 1 was a gifted astrophysicist thousands of years before the first astrophysicist was born!

So much of the Bible is not intended to be taken literally as scientific fact, but should be read for its inner meaning just like the many parables Jesus told.  It is good to know, though, that many scientists now at least agree that the first 5 verses of the Bible are indeed scientific fact, stating in a matter of fact way what scientists have only in very recent years been able to piece together as the most likely way in which our universe was created.  I will never again read Genesis 1 without feeling that shiver; a good, comforting shiver.

I believe adherents of Hinduism will find something similar in their own holy writings.  Probably other religions too.  I would be really interested to hear from my non-Christian friends of any similarities they can find in their own religion.  Please feel free to get back to me on this, or with any thoughts of your own, in the comments section.

What This Should Mean to Us

Our distant ancestors knew so much about the basic truths of this universe.  Not from conducting scientific experiments, but by listening to what something other than a cold and logical mind told them.  We can still see this when we look, for example, at some of the beliefs of Australian aborigines.

I hope my readers will take time to meditate, study their own religious writings (of whichever religion that may be), and listen to that small, still voice within - the voice that wants us all to develop ourselves, know the Truth, and grow into better human beings.


  1. What a great blog! Thanks for sharing, Graham. I'd be so curious to see what your non-Christian friends and those of other believes have to add. Can I share your post on my Facebook page, Graham. Thank you, Anja

    1. Hi Anja. Thank you for your comment! Yes, I am happy for you to share the post on Facebook. Do it as a link and your friends will be able to come here and also, hopefully, enjoy many other articles I have written. :)

  2. I understand your Shivering. . . It's amazing to deal with the idea of the formation of Earth and the Stars. I believe in Creator. When I was a little girl,I knew with the great certainty that God exists. I often speak with him.
    Scientists describe what happened, because they can watch it by their telescopes now. But I wonder how it happened. Could arise in emptiness, researchers say about it, Big Ben? How and by what? Scientists say that the universe is empty, how could hydrogen atom to coalesce with another hydrogen atom when the distance between the atoms are infinite in an outer space? My experience tells me that even in a billion of billion years.

    1. Like you, Jaroslava, I talk with God. Especially on Sunday mornings in my Quaker meeting.

      Scientists have all kinds of explanations about why it happened, and they don't all agree on which is correct. Many also believe, correctly in my view, that why it happened is not within the purvue of scientific investigation.

      The reason the hydrogen atoms coalesced is well known, though. It is the force of gravity. There was definitely not an infinite distance between the atoms as even the entire universe is believed not to be of an infinite size, let alone the distances between billions of hydrogen atoms spread throughout the universe. The force of gravity extends from everything within the universe throughout the entire universe. Therefore if you even only had two atoms at opposite ends of the universe they would eventually be drawn to each other. :)
