
Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

What is the most powerful force in the Universe?

Is it gravity?  Certainly gravity is a powerful force.  It takes a lot of power to overcome it.  Gravity is what keeps our sun in one piece, rather than allowing it to fall apart.  It is what keeps us orbiting the sun rather than flying off into outer space.  Be very thankful for gravity.  None of us would be alive without it.  But gravity is not the most powerful force by any means!

How about the "weak force".  It doesn't sound a very promising candidate.  But the name is a bit of a misnomer, as it is actually ten trillion times more powerful than gravity!  Wow!  That is what I would call a strong force, not a weak force!  The weak force is responsible for nuclear decay and nuclear fission.  The power that was unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  But the weak force is not the most powerful force in the universe (as you probably gathered from the name).

Electromagnetism is far more powerful than the weak force.  It is a hundred billion times more powerful than the weak force.  Electromagnetism is what stops you simply falling through the earth.  So is it the most powerful force in the universe?

No, it is not.  According to physicists, the "strong nuclear force" is the most powerful force.  The strong nuclear force is what keeps atoms from disintegrating.  Nothing physical could exist without the strong nuclear force.

But the physicists are wrong when they say any physical force such as gravity, weak force, electromagnetism, or the strong nuclear force is the most powerful in the universe.  None of these, in my view, deserves the title.

Without doubt, the most powerful force in the universe is Love.

Sometimes Love crystallizes as a physical force.  Nowhere near as strong as any of the above forces in its physical guise, but still very strong.  On Good Friday in 1982, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, Angela Cavallo lifted a 1964 Chevy Impala (weighing about 3,500 pounds, or 1,600 kilos).  Why?  Because it had fallen on her son, Anthony, and she wanted to stop it crushing him.  She held it for around 5 minutes until help appeared and her son was pulled out, fortunately still alive.  Could you, under normal circumstances, lift 3,500 kilos and hold it for 5 minutes?  I doubt it, unless you have trained for a long time as a weight lifter - which Angela Cavallo had certainly not done.  The reason Angela could is that she was powered by love.

Again, I stress that physical force was nowhere near as strong as the four physical forces I have listed.  The real power of Love is not physical, but spiritual and emotional.

Do you want to possess the most powerful force in the universe?  Then work on developing and expanding your Love.  Love for your spouse or partner.  Love for your family and friends.  Love for all around you - even for those you do not like.  Love for all humanity.  And perhaps most importantly, Love for yourself.

The more Love you have, the more you will achieve for yourself and for others.

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