Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Vibrations of Those Around You

In my last blog article I introduced the concept of "personal vibration and resonance".  This is a very wide topic, and there is lots to learn about it.  So I want to continue the theme here, focusing on the effects of other people's vibrations on us and how we can use our knowledge of this to great advantage.  You may find what I am saying a bit obscure.  If you do, bear with me.  Read this through several times and allow what I am saying here to percolate.  Even if you don't completely follow it intellectually, it will resonate with you at a deeper level and help you to achieve whatever you wish to achieve.

Just as a quick reminder, we all tend to "vibrate" in different ways, depending on how we have tuned ourselves.  There are different categories of this vibration.  At a high level we have spiritual, emotional, and mental vibrations.  Our main focus in life expresses itself in a vibration.  Our desires and ambitions result in vibrations.  The things and people we love or hate result in different vibrations.  We also have permanent vibrations (which we can still change, even though they are permanent) and temporary vibrations.  For example we may have a high level permanent spiritual vibration which results from a genuine love of everyone around us, but that doesn't stop us having "low" moments, perhaps when our spiritual battery is low, when we find it difficult to feel that love.

We can be strongly influenced by the vibrations of those around us.  This is especially the case if we are not well tuned.  The weaker our underlying "permanent" vibration, the easier it will be for people around us to make us resonate to a very different vibration.  It is also the case if we have a very strong underlying vibration and those around us have a similar vibration - then we will begin to resonate almost as soon as they approach us, will be like a sounding board to which they are applying their tuning fork.

This means we need constantly to work on two things.

Firstly we need to get our vibrations tuned properly.  What that means in practice depends on what you are trying to achieve.  If you have a big dream, and if it will cost a lot of money to achieve that dream, you need to have the right vibrations to attract the right money-making opportunities to you.  You also need to eliminate the vibrations that work counter to this - for example the feeling that becoming wealthy is in some way a bad thing.  Or if you want your life to spread love in the world, you need to ensure you are tuned to radiate that love completely naturally.  At the same time you need to be alert to ways you react to people and situations which are not in tune with this vibration of love and work on ways of changing this.

Secondly, we need to become more aware of the vibrational levels of the people around us.  If they are similar to our own vibrational levels, perfect!  Try to ensure you keep those people with you.  The closer you can get them, and the longer you stay with them, the more your own vibrations will resonate with them.  If you are trying to become wealthy and then use that wealth for good purposes, surround yourself as much as possible with others who are on that same path but, hopefully, further ahead than you.

Be aware of both the permanent and the temporary vibrations of those people.  If they drop a level temporarily, by all means try to be there for them to help them move back up.  But keep in mind all the time that you will tend to resonate in tune with them, so do not spend so much time being there for them and helping them that there is a clear drop in your own vibrations.  It is important to get this balance right.  Certainly do not become a "fair weather friend" who is happy to be there when everything is positive but who disappears the moment they have any problems.  Help them now, and some time in the future when you need some help they will probably be there for you and help you.

Start right now on both these major projects.  Strengthen your desire for what you want to achieve and work on your inner vibrations to make sure you are properly tuned to achieve it.  But also find and befriend people who are in tune with you, and start distancing yourself from those who are completely out of tune with you.  Perhaps join groups or clubs where you are more likely to find people similarly tuned.

If you do all this you should find yourself becoming far happier, achieving far more than you had previously managed, and being far more fulfilled.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018


What is resonance, and what does it have to do with spirituality and personal development?

Resonance is the way something vibrates in response to the vibration of something else near by.

Before we think about resonance itself, let's just think about vibration, and again what it might mean in our personal development studies and practices.  Everything has its own natural vibration.  A number of musical instruments use this characteristic in order to allow us to create beautiful music.  We can change that natural vibration by altering the tuning, for example by tightening or loosening a guitar string.

Spiritually we also have a natural vibration.  This vibration can allow us to create beautiful spiritual "music" in the world around us, or if we are not tuned right we can create great discord instead.  By focusing on and developing our spiritual beliefs and qualities, especially the latter, we can determine whether the world hears beautiful music from us or, as St Paul described, a clashing cymbal.  Not that I want to criticize cymbal players or other percussionists who play their part in orchestras all over the world.

So, which would you prefer?  To create beautiful music that all around you can enjoy or to make a horrible discordant noise that will make life a misery for all who encounter you?  I hope it is the former.  We are all human, so sometimes we will be out of tune and won't be able to help making a horrible noise, but just as a violinist can learn to produce a beautiful sound rather than the awful screeching which no doubt he or she created when first taking up the violin, so can we learn to become more beautiful inside and produce beautiful spiritual music.

Back to resonance.  If you have tuned yourself to produce a beautiful sound, that is the sound you will produce when something or someone nearby is tuned in the same way.

Students of physics will be aware of the concept of "forced vibration".  If you take a tuning fork and strike it with a mallet it will produce a sound, but the sound is very quiet.  But if you now place that tuning fork on something able to vibrate at the same frequency, a board of some kind, everything will vibrate and a very loud sound will be produced - a beautiful note.  This is a form of resonance.

We can do the same in life.  If we have tuned ourselves the right way spiritually we will respond when someone or something else nearby is on a similar spiritual  frequency.  Also, we will cause the environment around us to resonate, and our small quiet voice can become a mighty, powerful sound.  A sound that will attract similar frequencies in those around us, perhaps lifting them to higher spiritual levels.

I used the word "attract" quite deliberately.  Like attracts like.  If you have spiritual vibration that is full of love and beauty you will attract to you other people and even other things and situations of a similar vibration.  This can only make your life, and the lives of those around you, happier and more fulfilled.

This concept may seem rather obscure, but it is so important!  Work hard on improving your tuning and allowing yourself to resonate to good, pure, helpful feelings.

For further help in both understanding this concept and developing and using it, take a look at this video by the "spiritual vibration" specialist, Christie Marie Sheldon:

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Money is the root of all evil

Money is the root of all evil.  Isn't it?

Actually, no, it is not!  Most certainly not!

What actually is money?  What it should be is a measure of the value that you have given to society.  Sometimes that measure doesn't work very well, with society giving greater value to some things and lesser value to others than perhaps should be the case.  But, for all its faults and limitations, that is what money is supposed to be and what in principle it is.

If money is a measure of the value you have given, how can this be evil?  It may be faulty; it may not be as good a measure as we want it to be; but clearly it is not evil.  Not unless you believe giving value to others is evil!

So where does this idea that money is the root of all evil come from?

It actually comes from a misquote of something St Paul wrote to his young disciple Timothy.  What Paul wrote was "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."  That is quite different.   Paul was certainly not saying there was anything wrong with money itself, just with the way some people respond to it.  Money itself is not evil, nor is the possession of money evil.  What is evil is simply greed.

Unfortunately, the misconception that money is the root of evil is buried deep in almost all of us.  Consciously most of us know that money is neutral - it is how you view it and how you use it that can either be good or evil.  But unconsciously we have this deep-seated belief that money itself and the possession of wealth are both evil.

It is very important to try to unearth this deep-seated and quite wrong belief about money.  Until you do you will find you have two big problems.

Firstly, you will feel uncomfortable about any wealth you have now, be it very small or very large.  You may not recognize that this is the way you feel, so it will probably just express itself as a general feeling of dissatisfaction.  Don't allow this to happen.  Why feel uncomfortable for no reason whatsoever?

Secondly, your subconscious mind will "know" that as money makes you uncomfortable it is best not to let you have any.  That is a disastrous situation!  Your subconscious is extremely powerful, and if it has decided you should not have money, or at least should not increase your wealth, you will find it extremely difficult to become any wealthier than you already are.  And that is exactly the situation most people are in!

One way to begin countering this unwarranted prejudice is to start thinking about what I have said money is - a measure of the value you give.  Think about it very positively in this way.  Think about the value you give to your employer if you are an employee, and to your clients if you are in business for yourself.  If you feel you do not give much value, then maybe it is time to think more carefully about what you are doing and whether, in fact, you should be doing something different.

Think about other ways you can give value to society and to those around you.  As you do this, gradually you should find opportunities begin to arise for you to give that value and to receive money in return.  The more you focus on this the more such opportunities will arise.

The other way to counter it is to think about all the good you can do with any increase in your wealth you might achieve.  Good you can do for your family and friends.  Good you can do for others around you.  There is so much good you can achieve if only you have enough wealth to fund those plans.

Perform both these exercises regularly and you should find that your money "blocks" will gradually disappear.  As they disappear, opportunities to increase your wealth will arise.  Many of these opportunities have actually been there all the time, but you did not recognize them because you were restrained by your wrong inner belief that money is evil.  Other opportunties will also arise, gravitating to you by the Law of Attraction, which is another subject for another day.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Exciting Goals

Have you identified your true goals?  Your real goals?  The goals that excite you because you know your life and the lives of those you touch can be very different when you achieve them?

I wrote a few months ago about identifying goals.  This is such an important topic I make no apology for addressing it again now.

Unfortunately many of us seem to have lost the excitement we once had when we formulated our goals.  Many more never had that excitement right from the start.  And without excitement it is very unlikely you will achieve your goals.  Why?  Because day to day life will "get in your way".  There are too many distractions competing for your attention.  Without excitement driving you forward you will be sidetracked by those distractions.  In fact, hijacked by them.

If you don't believe this, look back to the last day you didn't have to go to work or study.  If you don't work or study, look back to yesterday.  If you do, then perhaps look back to last Sunday or Saturday.  What did you achieve?  Did you achieve anything at all?  If you did, congratulations - you are in a pretty small minority.  But if you achieved something, how much closer did it take you towards any of your goals?  Be really honest here.

I tried this exercise just before writing this blog, so let me give you my results.  I didn't actually achieve anything significant at all.  I have a good excuse for this.  I have been working hard, so my last weekend (actually, a long weekend as there were a couple of public holidays too) was simply a chance to relax, do nothing, and feel good about it.  A chance to rest before going back to the grind of day to day work.

There is nothing wrong in this per se.  In fact for many of us it can be an essential exercise.  And if you go back to work refreshed and energized then you have achieved something.  But if you are in a similar position to me and find that your last rest day was simply that, a day of rest, then how about going back a week before?  What did you achieve then on a rest day?  And how about the week before that?  Surely you made great progress towards one of your major, exciting goals then?  No?

Unfortunately this is a common story for most of us.  We spend all day working hard, in order to have enough money to pay for the house in which we spend so little time because we are away working hard.  To pay for the car that we mostly use to get to our place of work rather than to take us to somewhere we can enjoy life.  So, what are we actually working for?  What do we really want to achieve in life, and is what we are doing right now getting us any closer to it?

For most of us these are very uncomfortable questions.  So uncomfortable we may try to brush them aside as being silly or irrelevant.  But they are not silly, and they are not irrelevant.  They are very uncomforable, but they are also very important.

Take some time right now to look again at your goals.  If they don't excite you they are the wrong goals.  And if you are aiming for the wrong goals you will either never achieve them anyway because they do not excite you, or you will achieve them and then wonder why you bothered in the first place.

Are your goals exciting?  If so, great!  Keep pushing forwards and achieve those goals.  If not, be ruthless and change them!  Replace them with goals that truly excite you and then make sure that every day you take at least one step to get you closer to those exciting goals.