In my last blog article I introduced the concept of "personal vibration and resonance". This is a very wide topic, and there is lots to learn about it. So I want to continue the theme here, focusing on the effects of other people's vibrations on us and how we can use our knowledge of this to great advantage. You may find what I am saying a bit obscure. If you do, bear with me. Read this through several times and allow what I am saying here to percolate. Even if you don't completely follow it intellectually, it will resonate with you at a deeper level and help you to achieve whatever you wish to achieve.
Just as a quick reminder, we all tend to "vibrate" in different ways, depending on how we have tuned ourselves. There are different categories of this vibration. At a high level we have spiritual, emotional, and mental vibrations. Our main focus in life expresses itself in a vibration. Our desires and ambitions result in vibrations. The things and people we love or hate result in different vibrations. We also have permanent vibrations (which we can still change, even though they are permanent) and temporary vibrations. For example we may have a high level permanent spiritual vibration which results from a genuine love of everyone around us, but that doesn't stop us having "low" moments, perhaps when our spiritual battery is low, when we find it difficult to feel that love.
We can be strongly influenced by the vibrations of those around us. This is especially the case if we are not well tuned. The weaker our underlying "permanent" vibration, the easier it will be for people around us to make us resonate to a very different vibration. It is also the case if we have a very strong underlying vibration and those around us have a similar vibration - then we will begin to resonate almost as soon as they approach us, will be like a sounding board to which they are applying their tuning fork.
This means we need constantly to work on two things.
Firstly we need to get our vibrations tuned properly. What that means in practice depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you have a big dream, and if it will cost a lot of money to achieve that dream, you need to have the right vibrations to attract the right money-making opportunities to you. You also need to eliminate the vibrations that work counter to this - for example the feeling that becoming wealthy is in some way a bad thing. Or if you want your life to spread love in the world, you need to ensure you are tuned to radiate that love completely naturally. At the same time you need to be alert to ways you react to people and situations which are not in tune with this vibration of love and work on ways of changing this.
Secondly, we need to become more aware of the vibrational levels of the people around us. If they are similar to our own vibrational levels, perfect! Try to ensure you keep those people with you. The closer you can get them, and the longer you stay with them, the more your own vibrations will resonate with them. If you are trying to become wealthy and then use that wealth for good purposes, surround yourself as much as possible with others who are on that same path but, hopefully, further ahead than you.
Be aware of both the permanent and the temporary vibrations of those people. If they drop a level temporarily, by all means try to be there for them to help them move back up. But keep in mind all the time that you will tend to resonate in tune with them, so do not spend so much time being there for them and helping them that there is a clear drop in your own vibrations. It is important to get this balance right. Certainly do not become a "fair weather friend" who is happy to be there when everything is positive but who disappears the moment they have any problems. Help them now, and some time in the future when you need some help they will probably be there for you and help you.
Start right now on both these major projects. Strengthen your desire for what you want to achieve and work on your inner vibrations to make sure you are properly tuned to achieve it. But also find and befriend people who are in tune with you, and start distancing yourself from those who are completely out of tune with you. Perhaps join groups or clubs where you are more likely to find people similarly tuned.
If you do all this you should find yourself becoming far happier, achieving far more than you had previously managed, and being far more fulfilled.