Do you believe personal development should be all about spiritual development? Or for you is it all about manifesting wealth? Or something in between?
There is a big debate about this. Some people feel very strongly it should focus on spirituality and that any talk about wealth is selfish. Others feel developing their spirituality is something best done in church and that it doesn't have any real meaning in their every day lives.
I certainly don't agree that spirituality is all about going to church (or the mosque, or temple, depending on your religion). To me, spirituality is very much something that should be part of day to day life.
Much of what I study in the personal development field has a spiritual nature. But certainly not all. I believe I am a spiritual person. But I am also materialistic! Not in a negative sense - I don't believe material things are more important than spiritual things for example. But I also believe that we live in a material world and that the material things around us are not there by accident. We are intended to enjoy them.
So I am a mix of spiritual and materialist, and I hope many of my readers are too.
I want to improve my material lot in life, and so I practice manifestation. I invite the Universe to bring me wealth and riches. Is this wrong? Many, unfortunately, would say it is, but I strongly believe it is the right way to live.
I should also point out that in order to have the Universe bring you material things you need to express love and you need to express gratitude. Not just gratitude when you get what you are trying to manifest, but gratitude now for what you already have. Love and gratitude are spiritual qualities, yet they are the essence of any really good training in how to manifest material things - certainly in any of the programs I use and promote.
I should also point out that in order to have the Universe bring you material things you need to express love and you need to express gratitude. Not just gratitude when you get what you are trying to manifest, but gratitude now for what you already have. Love and gratitude are spiritual qualities, yet they are the essence of any really good training in how to manifest material things - certainly in any of the programs I use and promote.
It is important to have your priorities right. Material things cannot bring lasting happiness. I work on my inner spirit for that. But if I acquire them in the right way, ethically and morally, and if I use them to improve the lot of others, then this is the right priority.
If you, too, want to be wealthier, if you want more money in the bank, a nicer home, a better car, then affirm this without guilt. The Universe wants this for you too. There is nothing immoral about it. You are not endangering your spirit by wanting these things and going after them. Go for it! But work on improving spiritually too, and literally enjoy the best of both worlds.