If you have been studying personal development for a while you have probably come across the term "abundance block". But what exactly is it, and why is it important?
Your unconscious mind is very much like a computer. Program it in the right way and it will give you the right answer. But the term "gigo" (garbage in - garbage out) very much applies here. It has no good way of testing the truth or otherwise of what it is told. Again, just like a computer. If you write a program instructing your computer to do certain things, and if you use the right syntax to write the program instructions, it will do exactly what you say. It doesn't care whether or not there is any logic in what it is being told to do, even though it is an entirely logical machine. It just does it because it has been told to do it.
On being told this, some people think all they need to do is give the right instructions to their unconscious mind and all will be well. They prepare the right "affirmations", recite them every day, and then expect their unconscious mind to start creating opportunities which will lead them to their goal. In theory this should work. In practice it often doesn't, and it is then tempting to say "affirmations don't achieve anything - they are a complete waste of time and effort!" But the reason it doesn't work is because there is some deep seated underlying "programming" which is taking us in a very different direction. This underlying programming creates "abundance blocks".
Abundance blocks can be created at any time, but many of the more powerful blocks were created many years ago, often during very early childhood.
There are many different kinds of abundance blocks. The way in which they block us differs, but the end result is the same.
A very common abundance block is the belief that we do not deserve abundance. That abundance may be wealth, and it often is. But it may be, for example, good relationships, a satisfying career, etc, etc. Anything, in fact, that we would like to achieve.
So your unconscious mind may have been programmed to believe you do not deserve to be wealthy, or do not deserve to have love, or do not deserve to have a good job. Often, it is so deeply buried that you don't even realize it is there. You try to become wealthier, but your unconscious mind "knows" that you do not deserve to be wealthy, as that it what it was programmed to believe many years ago. And so it refuses to let you become wealthy. Or allows you to become wealthy for a brief period and then lose it all.
Or it may have been programmed to believe that whatever it is you want is evil. Typically this will be wealth, although again it may be anything that you would regard as signalling success. Perhaps it believes you cannot be spiritual if you are aiming for success in one way or another. There is no conflict between a good, happy relationship and spirituality. There is no conflict between a satisfying career and spirituality. There is no conflict between being wealthy and being spiritual. Did you react at all when you read any of those statements? Did you feel some resistance inside you? Perhaps when I said there is no conflict between being wealthy and being spiritual? Did your unconscious mind feed you some phrases along the lines of "money is the root of all evil"? This is a very common unconscious belief (sometimes a conscious belief too), which is completely untrue but which has created an abundance block that will prevent you becoming or remaining wealthy.
Sometimes these abundance blocks have arisen from a direct comment. Perhaps your parents told you when you were a child that money is the root of all evil. Or they may have told you that if you want to be successful you have to work hard. On the surface that sounds a reasonable thing to say. It is certainly good to work for success, to do things likely to lead you to success. But if your unconscious believes you can only be successful if you work hard, then all the time you are not working hard (because, for example, you are getting the sleep you need, or eating the food you need to eat to stay alive!) it will decide you cannot become successful because you are not working hard. It has a very simple program equating success with working hard and cannot recognize that sometimes you have to do something else.
Sometimes the abundance blocks have arisen indirectly. For example, as a young child you may have heard your parents arguing about money. Maybe not a very bitter, long argument, just the kind of "spat" most of us have from time to time. But to your young child's mind there is now an association between money and unhappiness. That will create a powerful abundance block.
Abundance blocks like these are usually buried very deep. It may take some time to identify them. One way to recognize you have them is to see how you react to words like "wealth", "money", "love", "success" etc. Any feeling other than great joy and happiness suggests you have an abundance block you have to remove before you can receive the abundance the Universe wants you to receive.
Although it is possible to identify and remove these abundance blocks yourself, it is a lot easier to enlist help to do so. Use a coach who specializes in this area. Personally I have taken programs run by the excellent coach Christie Marie Sheldon. You can attend one of her webinars free to identify and remove one of your abundance blocks, and then consider following one of her programs to deal with the many other blocks you almost certainly have.
Wowza! Thank You. 😊