Is there a place for negativity in your world?
On the surface, the answer should be a resounding "no". I will get to that in just a minute, but first I want to be a bit controversial and say why I prefaced this with "on the surface" rather than outlawing negativity outright.
Life consists of a continuous cycle of creation and destruction. Without the destruction there could be no new creation.
In the Hindu religion Kali is the destroyer of evil. The spiritual equivalent of organisms such as funghi, which break down dead organic matter so it can be used to feed new life.
In Islam there is the concept of Jihad. To me this is pretty much the equivalent of the Hindu Kali. Jihad is a holy struggle. This includes finding and destroying those things within yourself that prevent you living a holy life.
I strongly believe in the place for this concept. We all have things within us that don't belong, and we should search them out and destroy them. So we should all be involved in Jihad (in its true meaning) whether or not we are Muslims.
But having identified the place in our life for the destructive force, let me come back again to negativity in all its other senses. I do not see a place for this in anyone's life. Yes, find and destroy negative traits (which in itself is a negative action), but do not ever allow negativity itself to creep in and take over your life, which is what it will do if you let it.
Negativity is what causes unhappiness. The situation you find yourself in does not, and cannot, cause unhappiness. Only your negative reaction to that situation.
When negativity takes over, almost every situation seems hopeless and unwanted, no matter how good it may actually be.
Have you ever found yourself on holiday moaning about the poor quality of the hotel, the bad weather, the inedible food? It may be true that the hotel is not up to scratch. Perhaps the weather is not as good as you had wished. Maybe the food is well below Michelin Star standard. But you are on holiday in what is probably still a lovely place. Relax! Accept that things will be different here from home - in fact, rejoice in that difference!
Don't allow negativity to take over. See the good in every situation. If you focus on what is bad, you will attract more of the same and the negativity will become a vicious circle. Focus on the good and you will attract more of that instead, and your positivity will become a virtuous circle.
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