Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Why The Law Of Attraction Fails


Wyn Nathan Davis

As a recruiter, everyday, I meet people who are making an effort to change the circumstances of their lives - some will succeed most will not.

The Law of Attraction is the concept that we attract into our lives what we think about most of the time - that thoughts are things and thinking about things (good or bad) will bring those things into our life.

We are all aware that when we decide to buy a new car or a new mobile phone that all of a sudden we see those very same objects everywhere. It seems almost magic that the car we never noticed is all of a sudden on every street. This is, of course, not magic it is simply that our conscious mind filters out 99.9% of all of the events and sensations that enter our brain. Our subconscious mind is aware of about 70,000 events per second, however, our conscious mind is aware of only about 7 events per second. We filter how we see the world and we will see what we expect. After all, there is good, bad, ugly, beautiful, failure and opportunity around us all the time. We will 'filter' the world we want to see.

The Law Of Attraction is a process of conducting a 'mental trick'. If we use mantras, pictures of what we think about, or acting 'as if' we already have the things we want that we will change the filter and start to see the things and opportunities that we want. This is a good short-term strategy and does work for many people in changing their lives - at least in an area or two. The problem is that these changes rarely last and rarely affect enough areas of our lives to change our real life experience.

What is missing from the Law Of Attraction?

The problem with The Law Of Attraction is that consciously choosing to think a certain way does not change our subconscious and our subconscious drives most of our actions. Our subconscious mind is not really affected by our conscious thoughts but instead by our deepest values based on our past experiences.

We cannot truly change our thoughts until we truly change the way we think!

For example, for most of us choices like murder, incest, or extreme violence have no part in the way we think. When we hear of extreme acts in the news most of us have no ability to comprehend making such a choice. However, when we think about over-eating, managing money, cheating on our partners most of us can fully understand these desires or even struggle with them on a daily basis.

Until the changes in our lives that we seek - wealth, career performance, and health become the only possible choice - because the alternative seems simply impossible - we will struggle.

When you change your values the entire way you think changes - instantly. When this happens massive change is possible in your life because your world is actually, completely different. Imagine if the choice of over-eating seemed as abhorrent to you as murder? Losing weight would be easy!

To change the way you think you don't need another book, another seminar or more time. It can happen in an instant simply by changing the way you think by first changing your values.

When a person can choose their thoughts by a process of choosing their values they instantly lose all doubt and fear and become - a mastermind.


  1. Everything is our choice, is not it?
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. very informative, keep the good work up. thanks
